Dr Sharief Ibrahim is the most senior functional medicine doctor in the UK, an internationally recognised speaker, consultant physician and Functional Medicine practitioner.
Dr Ibrahim qualified from Khartoum Medical School (MBBS) in Sudan in 1980. He completed higher medical training in the prestigious London Southeast region, rotating between Guy’s, St Thomas, and King’s College hospitals. He gained CCST (consultant status) and entered the GMC Specialist Register
Number 4381457.
Dr Ibrahim is a Member of the Royal College of Physicians of London (MRCP), a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow (FRCP), and a member of the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFMCP) in the US.
Dr Ibrahim left the NHS after 30 years with a passion for seeking and addressing the root cause of health and ageing decline by restoring body function rather than prescribing drugs.
Dr Ibrahim is the founder and the lead clinician of The Vitality Clinic, a functional medicine clinic in Weybridge, Surrey, and London Harley Street.
My main interest is metabolic conditions like obesity, hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, allergies, and autoimmune diseases.
Dr Ibrahim’s values:
- Little changes over time make big results.
- I would rather lead people by a good example than dictate what they can do.
- My greatest pleasure comes from helping people transform and enrich their lives.
The Vitality Clinic:
It is the first UK clinic dedicated to health creation rather than disease management.
Our mission
Our mission is to enable people over 40 to improve their vitality and well-being by ensuring their body systems function at their best.
How we work:
We use the latest scientific tests to find imbalances in your body systems – and then design a personalised, precise healthcare plan for you.
This innovative method enables us to boost your total health rather than treat your symptoms – which means many diseases will take care of themselves.
It comes from the personal experience of our founder, who’s gone from extremely poor health to recently completing his 120th marathon.
Benefits to you:
Our pioneering, patient-centred approach can help you:
Prevent or reduce your chronic disease load and your dependency on medication.
Enjoy life-long exuberance – increasing your ‘health span’ to match your life.
We believe it’s never too late to seek help – there’s always room for health improvements. You will see one specialist instead of many without unwelcome side effects. We will help you to rewrite your instruction manual, buffer your genes’ adverse effects, and relieve the traffic jams in your cellular biochemistry.
In his 40s, Dr Ibrahim was overweight and unfit to walk half a mile to the train station. He was unwell and one night collapsed in the hospital corridor with massive bleeding in the thyroid gland. He was lucky to be in the hospital and had two major operations within 12 hours. He was the most serious patient in his hospital intensive care unit – a shock that forced him to re-evaluate his life and turn his health around. Now in his 60s, Dr Ibrahim has transformed his fitness and recently completed his 120th marathon.
Outside clinical medicine, Dr Ibrahim writes a weekly blog, makes YouTube videos, and runs courses for doctors, patients, and the public. His main hobby is long-distance running, with an early marathon personal best (PB) of 02:37:26 and a PB of 03:02:20 a few years ago. He played the trumpet with a Reggae band in the past and currently plays the lute.