I came to the study of acupuncture after working as a teacher and translator. In 2001 I was awarded the Lic. Ac. (Licentiate in Acupuncture) by the College of Traditional Acupuncture, Leamington Spa; my BA (Hons) Degree in Traditional Acupuncture was awarded the same year by Oxford Brookes University. The British Acupuncture Council (BAcC) is my governing body.
In my practice I see people of all ages (except the very young) who either have specific symptoms or may feel generally unwell; others may choose acupuncture to enhance their feeling of wellbeing. It is important to me that anyone considering acupuncture feels safe and ‘listened to’ and, to this end, I am happy to offer a free 10-minute consultation at the clinic (or by ‘phone) so that any questions regarding acupuncture may be discussed.