A social enterprise has been described as a dynamic, ethical and sustainable way of doing business, values which are aligned with those of Cordell Health Ltd. Our vision is to enable businesses to provide a working environment where all employees are engaged, productive and well.
Our mission is to provide high quality evidence based consultancy and occupational health services to support businesses in becoming highly productive through effective management of the health and wellbeing of their employees. By adopting models which encourage employee engagement, and include the provision of a supportive, healthy workplace, businesses can make a significant improvement in employee retention and business performance.
To support our mission, we are focused on early intervention and expert support to HR and management, and use innovation and best practice methods to deliver affordable occupational health services in partnership with clients.
We have a responsibility to ensure advice we give to businesses and their employees is based on the best available published scientific evidence. Our core value is integrity, which we demonstrate in everything we do, providing high value yet affordable occupational health interventions to business.
We are a responsible employer and lead our staff by this example. We are committed to excellence and ethical practice. We ensure this by investing in regular high quality training for all our staff. We also believe in developing the next generation of clinical occupational health staff to help support our mission and as such are involved in all aspects of professional training.
Please follow this link to our website to find out more about the services we offer such as health surveillance, drivers medicals and sickness absence case management.
Dr Robin Cordell
I am an accredited specialist in occupational medicine, and a Fellow of the Faculty of Occupational Medicine (FFOM), with over 20 years’ experience advising organisations on health and healthcare policy, and delivering healthcare services.
As Medical Director of Cordell Health I have overall responsibility for our clinical policy, quality and assurance of the occupational health services we deliver.
In my specialist capacity as a consultant in occupational medicine, in addition to oversight of all our clinical staff, I undertake casework on referral from employers for individuals with complex health and work issues, and also provide management consultancy advice to organisations on assessing the requirement, clinical specification, procurement and assurance of occupational healthcare services.
Read more about Robin Cordell here